First you have to create a project on codebuild.
- Write name of project.
- Provide your source of code (github, gitlab etc..).
- Select your enviroment ( you can select default ubuntu environment or you can setup your own docker container ).
- Create your new service rule ( or you can use your older service rule).
- Put your buildspec.yml file in root folder of your project or you can insert build command manually ( I just put my buildspec.yml below).
version: 0.2env:
TEST_ENV_VARIABLE: prodArtifactsphases:
java: openjdk8
- export OLDDIR=$PWD
- export GIT_ALLOW_PROTOCOL="ssh"
- cd
- if [ ! -d ".ssh" ]; then mkdir .ssh; fi
- cd .ssh
- aws s3 cp s3://bucketname/foldername/id_rsa .
- chmod 400 id_rsa
- aws s3 cp s3://bucketname/foldername/ .
- aws s3 cp s3://bucketname/foldername/known_hosts .
- eval `ssh-agent`
- ssh-add id_rsa
- cd $OLDDIR
- git clone
- cd repo #install sbt
- echo "deb /" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list - apt-get update
- apt-get install sbt
- apt-get install unzip build:
- echo Build started on `date`
- sbt clean dist # generate build post_build:
- cd target
- cd universal
- unzip -d .
- rm
- cd logistics-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts:
type: NONE
base-directory: "repo/target/universal/logistics-0.0.1-
SNAPSHOT/" files:
- '**/*'
- We use git lab as project repo but aws doesn’t give any option to fetch code repo from gitlab. so i just create a repo in codecommit ( aws version control tool) and create buildspec.yml and put it in master ( choose source as code commit and use master branch for code pull).
- I just used ssh in buildspec.yml file for a private repo.
- Open your code pipeline and create a new project and choose your bucket to upload your artifacts.
- Choose your source provider
- Choose code build as a building tool. specify your region and select your project name
- Select where you want to deploy your artifacts. (i deployed on elastic beanstalk).
- At last, create your pipeline and your CI/CD is ready.
- Run your code pipeline. it will fetch your code from source and build. Upload your artifacts on s3 and deployed it on EBS.